audiodata elektroakustik gmbh
Engineering Office for Digital Installment

• Homepage

40 Years audiodata

MS II in silver

MusikServer MS II


Room correction at the
highest level

Dear visitor,

we are pleased to welcome you to our Website. For more than 40 years, audiodata has been operating an engineering office for electroacoustics and digital installment.

With our MusikServers we offer individually configurable, audiophile streaming products.
We are specialists for digital room correction methods and offer various hard- and software solutions and services.

We set up music networks, carry out on-site installations, develop room acoustics solutions and look after our devices by remote maintenance on request. We always develop individual solutions for our customers, which can be counted among the best in their field.
Traditional craftsmanship on the one hand, the use of the most modern technology on the other hand and the highest quality standards characterize our thinking and acting.
In the navigation bar on the right you will find everything you need to know about our MusikServers and Room Correction-Methods. On the page Cables we inform you about our range of tailor-made cables.

The active, network-ready loudspeakers LSX II, KEF LS50 Wireless II and LS60 Wireless have convinced us so much, that we have included them in our program of devices around our music servers. On the page KEF you can learn more.

On the page AudioVolver you will find information about our audio processor, which is now no longer in production.

We regularly convince with excellent test reports in audio journals, a selection can be found on the Press/Reviews page. Almost all information - as well as price lists - can be downloaded in PDF format from the Downloads page.

In the chapter Loudspeakers you will find information about our loudspeaker range produced until spring 2014.

Please note: In most cases the German version of the website is more detailed and more up-to-date
than the English one. The current status of the page can be recognized by the date in the footnote.
In many cases links lead to german pages.
If you can read german or use a translation tool, please visit the german pages.

A lot of fun and an interesting time on our website wishes you the

audiodata Team, Aachen

rottstraße 19  D-52068 aachen   
fon: +49 (0)241 512828  fax: +49 (0)241 535366   